Skin Care | Treatments



Often located on the face, acne is an inflammatory process in the skin that causes pimples, redness and pustules to appear, which can lead to scarring. CLINICARE offers you several solutions for the treatment of acne and its scars.

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Fractional radiofrequency (Morpheus8®)


Morpheus8® is a skin treatment that stimulates the body’s natural repair mechanisms and collagen production through fractional radiofrequency energy. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, it can reshape facial and body tissue to reveal younger, more even-looking skin. It is an innovation in the field of aesthetic medicine and an improved version of the previously acclaimed technology, Fractora®.


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Morpheus8® is a remodelling, re-texturing and resurfacing treatment for the skin of the face, neck and body. It helps reduce active acne lesions as well as acne scars while rebalancing the secretion of sebum in the skin.


Following the application of an anesthetic cream, the treatment is carried out using radiofrequency-type energy delivered through gold-plated micro-needles of up to 4 mm. This renews the deep layers of the skin while minimizing the recovery period as much as possible.


The results are noticeable after a few days but become more noticeable after 3 weeks. Improvements then continue for up to 3 months after treatment and usually persist for several years. An average of 4 treatments spaced 1 month apart is recommended in most cases for best results.

Bela MD +


This treatment offers a comprehensive treatment
protocol, that gives you much more than just your everyday facial. It combines the treatment essentials you love, like medical-grade dermabrasion, infusion & extraction, with the latest skin health technology, elevating your treatment (and your skin) to a whole new level.


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To improve overall skin health and appearance, and for skin conditions such as acne, pigmentation, rosacea and uneven skin tone.


The effects of this treatment include exfoliation of the superficial layer of the skin using a micro-dermabrasion diamond tip. Penetration of an effective topical bio-infusion serum chosen to target specific skin conditions, such as acne, dehydration, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation. The use of medium frequency electromechanical stimulation provides a lifting effect, enhances blood circulation and promotes waste excretion. Penetration of fine Hydrogen water particles into the skin, promotes an antioxidant effect. Electroporation is a technique in which a tiny electrical field is applied to cells to boost permeability of the cell membrane and enhance cell uptake.


This procedure is safe and gentle with no downtime. After the treatment, your skin may have a slight rosy glow for a few hours. This is patient-dependent,
based on the level of skin reactivity and sensitivity. You will need to protect your skin with a moisturizer and a physical broad-spectrum chemical-free SPF50.
Your technician will recommend the appropriate skincare products needed to optimize your results at home and protect the health of your skin.

Glycolic & chemical peelings


The glycolic acid (AHA) used in our peels is of natural origin and comes from fruit and sugar acids. This treatment removes a layer of dead cells and removes fats, impurities and bacteria that accumulate there, and empties pores.


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A glycolic peel exfoliation will allow you to obtain a more radiant, healthy skin by standardizing your complexion and reducing the appearance of pores and pigmented spots. It will also help reduce acne lesions by removing impurities from the skin.


After cleaning the skin, the peeling is applied for 20 minutes. Besides a temporary redness and a slight tingling sensation, this treatment is painless.


The slight redness will disappear 1 to 3 days after your treatment and the results will be visible for 3 to 6 months.


Before / After

Acne treatment

Morpheus 8 + Bela MD

* Photos taken at CLINICARE. They are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Acne treatment

Morpheus 8

* Photos taken at CLINICARE. They are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Acne treatment

Morpheus 8

* Photos taken at CLINICARE. They are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Acne treatment

Bela md+

* Photos taken at CLINICARE. They are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Acne treatment

Bela md+

* Photos taken at CLINICARE. They are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Acne treatment

Bela md+

* Photos taken at CLINICARE. They are presented for information only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.
Reviews from our patients


  • J’étais nerveuse à l’idée de commencer mes traitements d’injections, mais Dr Abou Kheir a été très patient et s’est assuré que je comprenne bien tout ce qu’il faisait. Son équipe et lui m’ont mis à l’aise dès le début. J’ai extrêmement confiance en lui, et je suis très contente des résultats naturels. Je le recommande sans hésitations!
    – Jeanne

    Je le recommande à tout mon entourage non seulement pour son professionnalisme et sa gentillesse mais surtout pour sa disponibilité à répondre à vos questions sans vous faire sentir “un numéro” chose qui se voit beaucoup dans ce domaine.
    – Ève

    Dr Joseph is the only one I trust with my face! He’s such a wonderful and skilled professional, on top of that his values translate into his work and will make you feel totally in good hands.
    – Valerye

  • Excellent service du début à la fin! Très professionnel et efficace, mais aussi un côté humain très développé.
    – Jean

    J’ai rencontré Dr Abou Kheir pour le traitement de mes cernes. Le résultat a dépassé mes attentes, et de loin! Il a pris le temps de m’écouter, et m’a fait un plan de traitement personnalisé, en me montrant bien quels étaient les éléments à prioriser sur mon visage. Il est très honnête, humain et extrêmement attentionné. Merci encore!
    – Sophie

    I am so happy to have found Dr. Abou Kheir. I do my botox and lip fillers with him, and the results are so natural, I love it!! He is so meticulous! Thank you so much!!
    – Steph

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